Neural River - AI Copilots for your business

Superintelligent AI: The American Skepticism

US fights AI

The dawn of superintelligent AI is upon us, and it’s sparking a whirlwind of debates. While many Americans express caution, at Neural River, we’re navigating the currents with optimism. Let’s dive into the depths of this discussion. The AI Landscape: The tech world is abuzz with the promise of artificial general intelligence (AGI). Visionaries like […]

AlphaMissense: The AI Sherlock Holmes of Genetic Mysteries!


Alright, folks, gather around! Ever tried solving a jigsaw puzzle with millions of pieces? Well, that’s what human genetics feels like. But guess what? We’ve got a new detective in town, and it’s got a knack for cracking the code of diseases. Introducing… drum roll… AlphaMissense! The AlphaMissense Catalogue: The Ultimate Genetic Library Imagine a […]

MADLAD-400: A Leap in Multilingual Data Processing

Node Globe

In the dynamic landscape of artificial intelligence (AI) and natural language processing (NLP), the unveiling of innovative datasets often marks significant strides in technological progress. One such groundbreaking dataset, MADLAD-400, introduced by the brilliant minds at Google DeepMind and Google Research, is set to redefine the paradigms of multilingual data processing. Unravelling MADLAD-400 At its […]